Day 49: Spin

Wherever God is at work there are skeptics. There are some people who articulate their doubt and desire an explanation. I cannot tell you exactly how the resurrection happened. I do not have physical evidence. There is not a room at the police station down the street tagged with pieces of evidence of the resurrection. Nor is there a room in the church with artifacts waiting to reveal to skeptics the answers to the mysteries of faith.

dAY49SPINBut there is evidence nonetheless. For two thousand years the church has come to life in a wide variety of contexts. Jesus fulfills the promise of God. I know, I know, the skeptics want evidence. Consider how the church has survived the challenges of different contexts. The church has endured wars, famine, persecution, crusades, and genocide. Against unspeakable odds, the Christian community continues to form and be formed.

There will always be the skeptics among us. They challenge us to articulate why we believe and what we believe. For those desiring evidence of the resurrection, here is what I will offer:

  • I see evidence of the resurrection in the ministry of the local church overflowing into the streets and reaching around the world.
  • I see evidence of the resurrection in the lives of drug addicts who embrace recovery, in the homeless wo/man who finds shelter, and in the child who finds joy.
  • I see evidence of the resurrection in enemies who reconcile and in the spring bulbs bursting to life after a dark, cold winter.
  • I see evidence of the resurrection every time a person stands up and stands for Christ.
  • I see evidence of the resurrection in the people I have the privilege of calling friends and family.

Do you see? Resurrection is new life. Resurrection unleashes the true God-colors of who you are in Christ. New life is breaking forth. Just as we are on day forty-nine of a fifty-day journey, new life takes time to unfold. The hope of Jesus Christ is lived out in moments of transformation that become days, weeks, and months of a new life.

Yes, there are those who will do everything in their power to cover up, deny, and turn away from the unexplained aspects of our faith. There are those who will cower at the challenges we face in life and wonder, “Where was Jesus in that moment?” Jesus is there, with a broken heart, an open invitation, and the greatest gift he can ever offer: the promise of new life. Whatever circumstances you are facing, acknowledge the skeptics, but never allow the skeptics to lead the way.

If you are looking for evidence, it is abundant. If you’re not sure where to look, I suggest a walk through your neighborhood or down a city street. New life is breaking forth all around you. It will take time to see, hear, and respond, just as this adventure has taken time.

The journey we’ve been on has invited you to look at the context, call, commitment, and commission of a disciple as we journey with Jesus through Matthew’s Gospel. Matthew provides the text; your life is the context. Your life is the context for resurrection stories to unfold. That’s the adventure. What we’ve experienced together are stops along the way. We have one more day together on this part of our adventure. Until then, look around you. New life is springing forth. May all you say and do point people to the living God we know in Jesus Christ.

Scripture: Read Matthew 28:11-15.

Serve today by celebrating the ways Jesus is unleashing new life in your midst.

Pray: Lord Jesus, because of your power to overcome the grave, I claim the power of your grace at work in my life. Because of your mercy, I claim the power to forgive. Because you embody the fullness of all that we desire to be, shape me to be a person who claims victory in your name, Amen.

Celebrate the person, place, or circumstance that offers you evidence of the resurrection. Even if it’s a glimpse of the resurrection, claim it, name it, and celebrate it.

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Additional Links

Miss a day of The Ultimate Adventure? Explore Days 1-48.

Download the 50 Day Reading Plan. Throughout the 50 days you’ll read the entire Gospel of Matthew.

Why is The Ultimate Adventure 50 days when Lent is 40 days? 

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Photo credit: John Fillion

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One Comment on “Day 49: Spin”

  1. benjisayre Says:

    As corny as it sounds, tulips blooming on Easter morning. It was a tangible reminder of new life.


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